Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Golden Age of Journalism in Malaysia?

The phase of today's journalism in our country is unparallelled from what Malaysia has seen since its inception.
When the Internet came into the picture, many people think it would be the demise of printed journalism. And as we are now living in the smartphone era, buying newspaper is no longer necessary to be updated with current affairs, in fact, reading newspaper could make us oblivious on what actually is happening.

It seems that many perceived the conventional media is a tool for government and the news had to be biased. And one of the main reason this perception was forged among the rakyat is because of the lack of option within the conventional media sphere.
Published daily newspapers, broadcasted radio programs, and television shows are abide to strict control of the government, leaving no room for criticism or even new ideas. Many would see journalism in our country is basically a public relation stunt for the ruling power in keeping the status quo.

But, the beauty of the Internet is that nobody can own it, today's generation holds the privilege of Internet freedom where people can exercise the free speech. In fact governments can be toppled through this medium like what had happened in Egypt where a 40 years ruling regime was overthrown in matter of weeks, and where the youth were the main perpetrator.

People began to question whether the newspaper industry can survive with the proliferation of news portal where people can have access to news and stories in anywhere at anytime twenty four seven.

Internet offers Freedom But....

The WiFi generation has force the form of journalism to take another toll. The way news being developed and published is expanding to another greater extent.

Modern journalism now seems more concern on the news that sells, not that matters. This could create a hypocritical generations where what concerns them the most is superficial matters such as stories related to celebrities rather than the actual people.

Because of the unlimited space of the net, news are flourishing to no end, hence, we are getting too much news and information. The problem suggests that the amount of information provided by the media has made little impact on improving public life.

The rise of yellow journalism is inevitable, in fact we now have troll news that are created by locals which mostly to shame politicians on artificial eventuality.

Today's WiFi generation has the tendency to Google everything for the sake of conformity. The dependency of the Internet trend is so vast it relates the people among each other through some equal meanings.

For example many holds the view that if it's not on the net than the subject is not relevant or everything that you search on the net is not found within Google first page than it means you will have tough time finding it.

 Mainstream Vs Online

Online world has concocted new era for journalism and Malaysia's news reporting sphere is getting hyper and more vibrant than ever before.

Nothing can separate journalism and the political sphere. We always heard the cry that media serves as watchdog of the society, and society as a whole will always be afflicted with politics.

The numbers of online news portal that operates locally is increasing, serving as alternatives media in conveying current news and events where mostly the focus is on Malaysia political affairs.

In every country there will be some dissident groups, and Malaysia, though a democratic country, the law wouldn't allowed conventional media to be operated freely with the people who oppose the government. And it they have the permit, the freedom is very limited, while the government holds the privilege in controlling the conventional media.    

The government owned the mainstream media with the likes of Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, News Strait Times, RTM, TV3.  Clearly journalism in these media entities need to obey the ruling power, they are the medium in delivering government's propaganda.

And because of the Internet can't be owned, it has become the platform for dissidents to voice out and shows their dissatisfaction to the core. Thus, we see many news portal are funded by certain dissident party to focus on depraving anything that the government does.

Some people have the wrong perception by thinking that when government is oppressing the people, thus the dissidents is always right when they criticize the government. This is a twisted perception as they fail to realize that this doesn't makes online media as fair and natural in conveying the news. 

Internet users need to realize that when it comes to media be it conventional or new, all media entities had to follow certain agenda that was set a some particular people, shareholders, owners, etc. Be it business or politics.

Even for some news portals are trying hard not to incline to certain party, they somehow glitched when it comes to political matters. 

Nevertheless, as the saying goes, fight fire with fire. Journalism vs journalism.

But at the very least, news portal provides alternative insight especially issues pertaining to political affairs. Hence, it is up to the readers to make tactful choices for themselves as we are living in a media warfare world. 

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